credits: http://www.droidlessons.com
Yes, you can backup apps on your Android device! This method is simple, quick, and, most importantly, it does not require you to have a rooted device. Before we get started, here are some of the reasons why you may want to backup an Android app as an APK file on your device.
Reasons why you may want to backup an Android app on your device:
1. You love the app and want to back it up in case it is no longer available via the Android Market
2. You want to install an app on a device without the Android Market
3. You are going to be rooting your device or installing a new ROM and you want to have all your apps backed up so you can reinstall them easily
4. A new version of the app has been released and you are unsure whether you will like the new version. So you backup the existing one before installing the new one
5. You want to share an app with a friend who does not have access to the Android Market
6. You want to share an app with someone in a different country who may not have access to certain apps due to country restrictions
7. I’m sure there are several other reasons! Feel free to share them in the comments section below.
Step-by-step Instructions:
1. Go to your Android Market, search for and install the app “File Expert” [Market Link]
2. Open the “File Expert” app
3. Click on the top right “App” tab
4. Simply click the checkmark box on the app that you want to backup as an APK file
5. Click on the “Backup” button located on the bottom left
6. All the APK files of the apps you selected will now be saved and located in the “backup_apps” folder located in the root of your SD card.
That’s it! You can now do whatever you’d like with the APK backup files of the Android App. Just make sure you don’t share the apps with the whole world! That would be pirating and it hurts the whole Android community when people steal apps. These instructions are strictly for personal use and for educational purposes only. Enjoy!